A Mysterious Thing in Our House

This thing has been in my way for months. Every weekend when I clean the house, the thing just appears. I take a long look and think about what it might be. I move it from the counter to the drawer, from the drawer to the closet.

Finally, last week it occurred to me that I would probably never use this considering I had no idea what it was and what to use it for, so I asked Rick if he knew what it was. All he gave me was a blank stare.

The thing is … we really want to get rid of this, but before we do so, we need to make sure it’s not something really important. Rick has made a little video and posted it on Facebook asking his friends what it was. We have had all kinds of guesses – from a soap dryer to a shoulder pad steamer.

I have a sneaky suspicion our Baka will know what it is, and that it probably has something to do with ironing… because this is an activity we rarely do at our house, and therefore, wouldn’t have a clue. Baka, have a look and let us know: are we allowed to throw this out? Or, if any of you reading this, iron or have an idea what this might be, please let us know. You’ll help us solve a mystery.